The Universe has no beginning nor end

Space Sciences

Date : August, 2020

Source : Quantamagazine

Inflation versus cyclic universe debate is rising again among cosmologists. New computer simulations seems to challenge the Big Bang theory in favor of a cyclic universe, i.e. a universe which has no beginning, no end, and mainly no “singularity”, one of the weakest point of current theory where all known physical laws are supposed to collapse. But there is still a long road between simulation models and the physical world as we see it today.

Mme Blavatsky wrote (Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p.594) : ” It is easy for an astronomer, if endowed with an imaginative faculty, to build a theory of the emergence of the universe out of chaos, by simply applying to it the principles of mechanics. But such a universe will always prove, with respect to its scientific human creators, a Frankenstein’s monster; it will lead him into endless perplexities. The application of the mechanical laws only can never carry the speculator beyond the objective world; nor will it unveil to men the origin and final destiny of Kosmos.”

Read more : Quantamagazine