Religion & Science through Indian Scientists’ Eyes


Date : July, 2020

Source : MDPI – Religions

Scientist community is often considered as anti-religion or at best atheist. Hundred of years in recent history left the feeling of a lack of religiosity in scientists’ approach and a strong tension between the two worlds. This overall vision came mainly from the Western world. A new study shows that such an attitude is influenced by national contexts, even when Science is operating as global field across national boundaries. This survey, based on interviews with Indian scientists, highlights a rising understanding of the differences between religion and spirituality, and it identifies that “those who believe Science and religion are not in conflict focus more on discipline and ethical guidelines”.

Mme Blavatsky (Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 477 – Addenda to Book I) stated that : “So far as Science remains as “organized common sense”; so far as its inferences are drawn from accurate premise – its generalizations resting on purely inductive basis – every Theosophist and Occultist welcomes respectfully and with due admiration its contributions to the domain of cosmological laws. There can be no possible conflict between the teachings of the occult and so-called exact Science, where the conclusions of the latter are grounded on a substratum of unassailable fact.”

Read more : MDPI-Religions