Biology, Space Science
Date : Oct. 2020
Source : Frontiers in Physics

The network of neuronal cells in the human brain is seen as a complex multi-scale structure which can be modeled as a hierarchical network forming the physical and biological basis of cognition. The Universe, as far as we can observe and model it, looks like a web, the cosmic web. A new study analyzed the similarities between the two systems, and an astonishing conclusion emerged, showing that the order of magnitude of the quantity of information existing in the human mind neural network is identical to the quantity of information in the entire observable universe ( 1016).
The Secret Doctrine (Vol. I, p. 592 – 3rd Edition) states that : “Occult Philosophy has taught since the existence of human speech and language, on the principle of the immutable law of analogy, “as it is above, so it is below”, another of its axioms, that there is neither Spirit nor Matter, in reality, but only numberless aspects of the One ever-hidden Is, or Sat.”
Read more : Frontiers in Physics