The fusion processes which occurs inside the core of any active star like our sun is the source of the generation of energy for all celestial bodies in its vicinity. This process involves the transformation of one element, starting with hydrogen, into heavier elements like helium, bore, carbon, oxygen,… The mechanism involves classical electromagnetism and quantum physics and it is confirmed by measurements from the Earth of the emitted particules called neutrinos. A recent experiment was able to measure for the first time such neutrinos coming from the sun’s second fusion process, called the CNO (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen) Cycle.
In 2014, Chandra Wickramasinghe, from Buckingham Center for Astrobiology, UK, wrote a book – The Search for Our Cosmic Ancestry, following Fred Hoyle’s Theory of Cosmic Panspermia. He statistically demonstrated that life cannot have emerged on earth per chance, as the mainstream materialistic scientist’s world think, but was probably brought by cosmic “travelers” like comets, asteroids,… In a recent space project – COSIMA (COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser), hosted on the Rosetta spacecraft – discovered phosphorus and fluorine in solid dust particles collected from the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur were already reported in previous studies. Phosphorus is the last one of the CHNOPS-elements necessary for life to emerge.
Magnetic fields are present in our Universe, wherever we look at, on the Earth, the Sun, the Milky Way, clusters of galaxies, . . . and even in the interstellar void, connecting clusters of galaxies via gigantic filaments. The origin of these force fields is still unknown. One possibility could be that it was created at the (re)birth of our Universe. Therefore, it would be considered as primordial. Such an hypothesis could explain the current accelerated expansion of the visible Universe. Magnetism, together with gravity are the forces shaping out the large-structure of the cosmos.
The debate around the Big Bang Theory is still very active, due to many unresolved problems around it. Some cosmologists, including Alan Guth and Stephen Hawking have proposed (1981 – Vatican Conference) that there is no end nor beginning at all. The no-boundary proposal (1983 J. B. Hartle and S. W. Hawking paper) describes the universe expanding from a point of zero size. In a recent lecture (S.W. Hawking 2016), Stephen Hawking explained why we cannot talk about ‘Before the Big Bang’ : because, at this time, there is no time ; time cease to exist and is replaced by pure space.
This is one of the most striking parallel with the Wisdom Tradition Teachings : Describing the phase before the (re)creation of the Universe, The Secret Doctrine (Cosmogenesis, Stanza I.2) says : “Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration“. This is correlated by the Rig-Veda Book X (verse 10.129.2 – creation) : “Then was neither death nor life, nor any sign of night and day“. Here, the key idea is time (kâla). The Rig Veda states that the first step in the creation is not time.
The values of the physical “constants”, like G, the Newtonian gravitational constant, or h, the Plank constant, or c, the speed limit of light, are still shrouded in mystery. Why do they have such a value ? Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji, one of the leading particles physicist, said that ” the universal constants express the inherent limitations of human knowledge.”
One of our reader has published a paper proposing a set of new hypothesis, as a continuation of Dirac’s and Eddington’s Large Number Hypothesis, linking constants and numbers. In that analysis, all the found relations have a common nature of the “power-of-two”. Such correlations provide with accurate calculation/prediction of some constants and measurements.
He wrote some additional comments : “Beside sevenfoldness, the proposed hypothesis has another interesting property that supports the thought of Mme Blavatsky (H.P.B.) on the existence of key-note in Nature which was mentioned by her in The Voice of the Silence – Glossary to Part, III, The seven Portals, 10, p. 89. : she gives Note F as the keynote of Nature.If one calculates exactly 68 octaves up from the Hubble constant given by the article’s expression, then the result is 673.37 Hz which is close to standard note F (698.45 Hz). The same result can be obtained by calculating 60 octaves down from the de Broglie frequency of the electron.”
Scientific mind has crystallized his paradigm around mechanistic, reductionist approaches since the end of the XVIth century, and, since the beginning of the XXth century, materialistic-only philosophy is dominant in scientific communities. The last 15 years have witnessed a new movement – panpsychism – which reintroduces consciousness everywhere. Among the proponents of such theory, Rupert Sheldrake is talking about the Earth, the Sun, the galaxies, as self-organizing systems or conscious organisms. He proposed some mechanisms to explain how the Sun can be conscious of what is happening inside the Solar System, using electromagnetic fields which are connecting everything in the Universe. This talk is giving some clues and methods for testing the hypothesis that consciousness express itself through the Sun.
The Theosophist – Volume IV, N° 12, Sept. 1883 : “If the “Adepts” are asked: “What then, in your views, is the nature of our sun and what is there beyond that cosmic veil?.“ – they answer: beyond rotates and beats the heart and head of our system; externally is spread its robe, the nature of which is not matter, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, such as you are acquainted with, but vital electricity, condensed and made visible.”
The weirdness of quantum physics is still puzzling our rational, intellectual mind. Causality is one of the paradigms most difficult to challenge. A cause always preceding an effect seems so obvious that reversing the arrow of time would be more science-fiction than science. But quantum physics has encountered this phenomenon with the notion of quantum superposition which states that an object can be in two different states at the same time. Many experiments have been and are still currently being run to witness this phenomenon. One of the recent ones (Aug. 2019) has extended the range of the scenario up to a massive body in a spatial superposition state (thought experiment), which demonstrate again that : ” a classical notion of a causal structure is untenable in any framework compatible with the basic principles of quantum mechanics and classical general relativity.“
The Secret Doctrine – Volume 1 (3rd edition, p. 68) : “Time” is only an illusion produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through the Eternal Duration, and it does not exist where no consciousness exists in which the illusion can be produced, but “lies asleep”.“
Scientists are exploring interactions/relationships between mind and brain. Mind’s effect on matter is scientifically studied and a new model/mechanism is proposed, using and extension of the Bohmian Quantum Mechanics, combined with Avicenna’s philosophical ideas. This study try to demonstrate the causal effect of the mind on the brain, as an incorporeal essence.
Mme Blavatsky often wrote comments on the functions of the brain. Here are two excerpts of her articles :
“The fact is that the human brain is simply the canal between two planes – the psycho-spiritual and the material – through which every abstract and metaphysical idea filters from the Manasic down to the lower human consciousness. Therefore, the ideas about the infinite and the absolute are not, nor can they be, within our brain capacities.” (Lucifer, Vol. V, N° 26, October, 1889)
“The special organ of consciousness is of course the brain, and is located in the aura of the pineal gland in the living man. During the process of mind or thought manifesting to consciousness, constant vibrations of light take place… What consciousness is can never be defined psychologically. We can analyze and classify its works and effects – we cannot define it, unless we postulate an Ego distinct from the body.” (The Theosophist, Vol. XLVI, N° 11, August 1925 )
Recent astronomical observations (since 2014) are showing “strange” synchronized galaxies movements and “abnormal” alignments of supermassive black holes at the core of quasars. This discovery indicates that large-scale structures in the universe are influencing the dynamics of galaxies and supermassive black holes, even when they are separated by billion light years. It looks as if they are connected by a vast unseen force. There is currently no scientific explanation and this observed behavior may jeopardize the current basic assumption about the physical universe model (the cosmological principle). More observations are required before drawing any conclusion.
Here is an interview of Edward Witten, the physicist who proposed, back in 1995, the M-Theory as a Theory of Everything (TOE), a mathematical model describing the physical universe as a combination of strings and gravity in seven-dimensional space. As of today, string and super-string theories, including the M-theory, have not had any experimental confirmation. It is a theory which cannot be falsified (proved wrong), and some physicists are starting exploring other theories and models who could also describe the physical world. At the end of the interview, to the question : “Do you have any ideas about the meaning of existence ?”, Edward Witten answered : “No.” . . .
Source : Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Date : 2017
Universal Consciousness became a subject for scientific researches. In 2011, David Chalmer introduced the concept of panexperientialism, derived from panpsychism. Panpsychism is the doctrine where everything in the universe has a mind. For example, fundamental physical types like a quark or a photon are endowed with consciousness in this theory. From this concept, Prof. Gregory Matloff, a physicist specialized in interstellar travel, is proposing to put this theory to test in order to verify – or not – the existence of a universal consciousness. His approach is based on the existence of a Universal Proto-Consciousness field which, through the pressure of the vacuum fluctuations ( Casimir effect ), gives birth to atomic matter. Current astronomical observations reveal that some young stars are abnormally altering their galactic trajectory (Parenago’s Discontinuity). The author of the paper is suggesting that this is the result of a deliberated action from a minded star. Satellite’s observations (Gaia) are in progress to verify the volitional star hypothesis.
Quantum entanglement, one of the astonishing outcomes of quantum theory, predicts that all matter in our universe is interconnected via an energetic field of unknown qualities which does not obey current physical laws, allowing information to be transmitted between two particles at faster-than-light speed. Experiments have demonstrated that two entangled particles – particles which have interacted together – can react immediately at a distance – whatever the distance – to any stimulus on one of the particles. During the Big Bang event – the creation of physical matter in our Universe – all particles emanate from a single source. Therefore, all existing particles today are entangled for ever. This is what is called ONENESS.
One of the latest theory on Gravitation (Quantum Gravity) is displaying a deep connection with Taoist Cosmology. A paper published by Steven M. Rosen proposes a comparison between some of the key concepts of both theories. Emphasis is put on similarities between Symmetry Breaking in Modern Physics (Strings Theory) and the Yin-Yang mechanism in Taoism. The proposed model includes the evolution of elementary particles through cycles of expansion and contraction of a spiraling universe.
Jainism defines clairvoyance as one of the five types of knowledge and it classify it is direct knowledge. Ancient Jain Scriptures indicate that attempts where made to estimate the size of the smallest particles of matter through power of clairvoyance. The smallest particle was measured and its measurement is consistent with current scientific knowledge.
Recently, a new model has been developed by scientists, integrating matter, mind, space and time. More dimensions were added, including three dimensions for consciousness. The outcomes of this model is in good quantitative agreement with the number of “anu” seen by Annie Besant and co-workers some one hundred twenty years ago.
Helium hybrid, a compound of hydrogen and helium, thought to be the very first molecule synthesized after the Big Bang, has been finally observed in distant universe. It was hypothesized and recreated in laboratory in 1925. It is thought to be the prototype of the Hydrogen molecule which is the basic component of most of the visible universe.
The Theosophist, Vol. IV, N° 12, 1883, pp.295-310 : “Each atom or molecule of ordinary scientific hypothesis is not a particle of something, animated by a psychic something, destined to blossom as a man after eons. But it is a concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy which itself has not yet become individualized: a sequential manifestation of the one Universal Monas (of the Peripatetics).”