M-Theory : The Nature of Reality Seen by a Physicist

Physics, Space Sciences

Source : Quanta Magazine

Date : Sept. 2017

Here is an interview of Edward Witten, the physicist who proposed, back in 1995, the M-Theory as a Theory of Everything (TOE), a mathematical model describing the physical universe as a combination of strings and gravity in seven-dimensional space. As of today, string and super-string theories, including the M-theory, have not had any experimental confirmation. It is a theory which cannot be falsified (proved wrong), and some physicists are starting exploring other theories and models who could also describe the physical world. At the end of the interview, to the question : “Do you have any ideas about the meaning of existence ?”, Edward Witten answered : “No.” . . .

Read More : Edward Witten Interview on Quanta Magazine

Read More : M-Theory on Wikipedia