Studies about children claiming past-life memories was conducted in Sri Lanka, India, Lebanon and the USA, by Erlendur Haraldsson, Antonia Mills, and Jim B. Tucker / F. Don Nidiffer, between 1995 and 2014. The researches included psychological tests to the children, their mothers and teachers who knew them well. Many subjects experience positive benefits from their memories.
A team of researchers has developed a methodology to experiment two-way communication with dreamers during their sleep. They used EEG (electroencephalography) and facial or ocular response to correlate with stimuli. Dreamers were able to hear simple arithmetic questions and to provide correct answers via a pre-established protocol (ocular or facial movements). Once awaken, the experimenters were able to confirm they received the questions and transmit the answers, with some distortion in some cases. This experiment confirm the sleep learning phenomenon and open the door to a better understanding of the dream states.
Another true story of a Near-Death experience in plain sight, during a cardiac surgery operation. The people around, including the surgeon, cannot but acknowledge the phenomenon which is raising so many questions to the materialistic scientists world, and which demands explanation. Such facts are piling up for some decades, well documented. The near-death process needs to be deciphered and the Traditions – The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Theosophical teachings – have some clues to transmit there.
The Amritasiddhi, an Ancient Indian Tradition text from the 11th-12th century, is presenting the occult physiology of man, and practices to enhance longevity.
This study paper highlights similar teachings in the later Buddhist Tradition (Vajrayana), specially linked to the Esoteric Buddhism as embodied in the Kalachakra Tradition.
Subtle centers – Chakras, subtle energies – Pranas, and subtle drops – Bindus, are the main components of this Eastern alchemy which leads the Buddhist disciple to the awakening and finally to the perfected state – Mahamudra.
Scientific mind has crystallized his paradigm around mechanistic, reductionist approaches since the end of the XVIth century, and, since the beginning of the XXth century, materialistic-only philosophy is dominant in scientific communities. The last 15 years have witnessed a new movement – panpsychism – which reintroduces consciousness everywhere. Among the proponents of such theory, Rupert Sheldrake is talking about the Earth, the Sun, the galaxies, as self-organizing systems or conscious organisms. He proposed some mechanisms to explain how the Sun can be conscious of what is happening inside the Solar System, using electromagnetic fields which are connecting everything in the Universe. This talk is giving some clues and methods for testing the hypothesis that consciousness express itself through the Sun.
The Theosophist – Volume IV, N° 12, Sept. 1883 : “If the “Adepts” are asked: “What then, in your views, is the nature of our sun and what is there beyond that cosmic veil?.“ – they answer: beyond rotates and beats the heart and head of our system; externally is spread its robe, the nature of which is not matter, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, such as you are acquainted with, but vital electricity, condensed and made visible.”
Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga Philosophy was published, starting August 1914, in an Indian review, the Arya. It offered a synthesis of some of the main yoga philosophies from India, the Bhakti (adoration), Karma (action), and Jnana (knowledge) yoga. This synthesis is presented as a path to perceive, understand and to live the One Life.
Modern integrative medicine has brought trans-personal themes inside the mainstream of contemporary healthcare. This article provides with an overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga in clinical practices. It encompasses topics as reincarnation, the chakra’s system, parapsychology and mind-body healing.
Meditation researches have been focusing so far on neural or physiological correlates of meditative states. A task Force was launched at IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) to explore further the field of meditation researches. Meditation has been identified as one of the key practices for cultivating positive transformations in consciousness. The findings and recommendations of the study were published and are available here, together with an online training course on meditation.
The way Nature is producing symmetry and order in our world is still a mystery. According to current Science paradigm (entropy), behavior should be completely random. Some 30 years ago, the concept of Morphogenic Fields was introduced and swiftly dismissed by scientific community. A new study identifies a similar concept called Holomorphic Info-Entropy. This concept links information with entropy, and the study reveals that prevalent geometric configurations which can be observed in our world are the results of this theory : the double-helix and the double logarithmic spirals . On the small scale, the DNA double-helix, and on larger scale, the shape of spiral galaxies are examples of the application of this new model. This theory also reveals that the postulation of dark matter is but a result of this entropy force, and therefore dark matter is a superfluous concept and will not be detected in space.
An interview of Pr. Charles T. Tart about E.S.P. (Extra-Sensory Perception), where he is discussing his experiences/researches in the field of parapsychology, and specifically Remote Viewing.
Jainism defines clairvoyance as one of the five types of knowledge and it classify it is direct knowledge. Ancient Jain Scriptures indicate that attempts where made to estimate the size of the smallest particles of matter through power of clairvoyance. The smallest particle was measured and its measurement is consistent with current scientific knowledge.
Recently, a new model has been developed by scientists, integrating matter, mind, space and time. More dimensions were added, including three dimensions for consciousness. The outcomes of this model is in good quantitative agreement with the number of “anu” seen by Annie Besant and co-workers some one hundred twenty years ago.
Korean scientists confirmed the existence of body meridians, saying this system is part of the cardiovascular system. It is suggested that this system is involved in channeling the flow of energy and information relayed by biophotons and DNA.
A previous study (HCMI-2014), using Computerized Tomography, had already match acupuncture points with body’s areas having a higher density of micro-vessels and a large amount of involute micro vascular structures.
When a man of science goes to the other side . . . and experiment a world of light and love.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bar-do thos-grol chen-mo) describes the first phase of the death process : “O, Child of Buddha Nature, listen ! Pure inner radiance, reality itself, is now arising before you. Recognize it ! O, Child of Buddha Nature, this radiant essence that is now your conscious awareness is a brilliant emptiness. The utterly indivisible presence of the essence of your own awareness, which is empty, without inherent existence with respect to any substance whatsoever, and your own conscious awareness, which is vibrant and radiantly present, is the Buddha-body of Reality (Dharmakaya). This intrinsic awareness manifest in a great mass of light, in which radiance and emptiness are indivisible, is the buddha [nature] of unchanging light, beyond birth or death.”
The Psi Encyclopedia, edited by Robert McLuhan, is quick becoming the must-have alternative to the skewed and backwards notions so often encountered on Wikipedia. Created by the Society for Psychical Research in London, the site already covers many relevant subjects with articles crafted by top scientists in parapsychology, university professors, and professional authors.
Parapsychology Date: June, 2017 Source: Journal of Scientific Exploration
A research on a telekinetic subject in Brazil appeared to show that he was able to lift one side of a table by putting his palms on the surface of the table. The research was done between June 2014 and December 2015, with five video cameras recording the events. Measuring instruments were used to record physical, physiological, and environmental variables.
Sources: Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 159–186, 2017.