Science Proves Meridians Exist

Health and Medicine, Parapsychology

Date : April 2016

Source: Uplift, HCMI

Korean scientists confirmed the existence of body meridians, saying this system is part of the cardiovascular system. It is suggested that this system is involved in channeling the flow of energy and information relayed by biophotons and DNA.

A previous study (HCMI-2014), using Computerized Tomography, had already match acupuncture points with body’s areas having a higher density of micro-vessels and a large amount of involute micro vascular structures.

Read More : UpliftConnect, HealthCare Medicine Institute

Supernatural Experiences in Autism

Health and Medicine, Parapsychology

Date : August 2018

Source: Taylor&Francis OnLine

A new study has identified supernatural agency in young adults on the autism spectrum. Sensing invisible presence, seeing visions, hearing voices, are among the reported phenomenons. It is suggested that somatosensory experiences are more prevalent in autistic individuals.

In her “Comments on a Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy“, Mme Blavatsky wrote (The Theosophist Vol. II, January, 1881, pp.72-75) : “The Yogi, says Patanjali, will hear celestial sounds, the songs and conversations of celestial choirs. He will have the perception of their touch in their passage through the air – which translated into a more sober language means that the ascetic is enabled to see with the spiritual eye in the Astral Light, hear with the spiritual ear subjective sounds inaudible to others, and live and feel, so to say, in the Unseen Universe.”

Read More : Taylor&Francis OnLine

The Importance of Silence

Health and Medicine

Date : June 2019

Source: Lifehack

Scientific study on mice showed that silence is enabling more new cells development in the hippocampus. Silence seems to relieve stress and tension, and to replenish our cognitive resources.

Extracts from the Book of the Golden Precepts, translated by H.P. Blavatsky : “Before the soul can comprehend and may remember, she must unto the Silent Speaker be united just as the form to which the clay is modeled, is first united with the potter’s mind. For then the soul will hear, and will remember. And then to the inner ear will speak — THE VOICE OF SILENCE —

Read More : Lifehack

The Mystery of the Sunspot’s Peak Cycle

Space Sciences

Date : May 2019


A new study suggests the sunspots peak cycle may be the resultant of other planets – Venus, Earth, Jupiter – gravitational fields affecting the magnetic field of the Sun. The physical effect , known as the Tayler instability, is capable of altering the behavior of conductive liquids or a plasma. The 11.07 years cycle matches with the periodic alignment of the three planets, generating the greatest gravitational pull.

Read More : MEDIUM

Massive Martian Ice Discovery

Space Sciences

Date : May 2019

Source: PHYS.ORG

New measurements below the surface of Mars revealed layers of ice buried a mile beneath the North pole. The quantity of this newly discovered polar ice would be equivalent to a global layer of water around Mars at least 1.5 meters deep. Researchers said it could help the assessment of climate conditions to see if they could have been favorable for life.

Read More : PHYS.ORG

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Proof of Heaven – A Near-Death Experience

Health and Medicine, Parapsychology

Date : November 2012

Source: 7 Network – Sunday Night

When a man of science goes to the other side . . . and experiment a world of light and love.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bar-do thos-grol chen-mo) describes the first phase of the death process : “O, Child of Buddha Nature, listen ! Pure inner radiance, reality itself, is now arising before you. Recognize it ! O, Child of Buddha Nature, this radiant essence that is now your conscious awareness is a brilliant emptiness. The utterly indivisible presence of the essence of your own awareness, which is empty, without inherent existence with respect to any substance whatsoever, and your own conscious awareness, which is vibrant and radiantly present, is the Buddha-body of Reality (Dharmakaya). This intrinsic awareness manifest in a great mass of light, in which radiance and emptiness are indivisible, is the buddha [nature] of unchanging light, beyond birth or death.”

Doggerland : a 10.000 year-old landscape

Archeology, Anthropology

Date : July 2009

Source: NATURE

From the bottom of the North Sea, archaeological evidences show a land occupied by Mesolithic people until the rising of sea level inundated it 8.000 years ago.

The Theosophist, Vol. I, N° 6, 1880, pp.159-161 : “If the history of religion and of mythology and – far more important – the origin, developing and final grouping of the human species are ever to be unravelled, we have to trust to archeological research, rather than to the hypothetical deductions of philology.”

Read more at : NATURE

First Molecule Created in the Early Universe


Date : April 2019

Source: NASA

Helium hybrid, a compound of hydrogen and helium, thought to be the very first molecule synthesized after the Big Bang, has been finally observed in distant universe. It was hypothesized and recreated in laboratory in 1925. It is thought to be the prototype of the Hydrogen molecule which is the basic component of most of the visible universe.

The Theosophist, Vol. IV, N° 12, 1883, pp.295-310 : “Each atom or molecule of ordinary scientific hypothesis is not a particle of something, animated by a psychic something, destined to blossom as a man after eons. But it is a concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy which itself has not yet become individualized: a sequential manifestation of the one Universal Monas (of the Peripatetics).”

Read more at : NASA

Mass = Energy (mostly) : A Scientific Confirmation


Date : March 2015

Source: Symmetry Magazine

Scientists believe now that almost all of your body’s mass comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons. The mass of the quarks, which comes from their interaction with the Higgs field, accounts for just a few percent of the mass of a proton or neutron. Matter, as a solid concept, is vanishing to the benefit of moving energy. This article shows also the way we are receiving energetic influences from everything around us – all living creatures, our Earth, our Sun, the planets, the moon, . . .

Mme Blavatsky on energy : “The Theosophists, old and modern, the Alchemists and Rosicrucians have ever maintained that there were no such things per se as “light,” “heat,” “sound,” “electricity”. There is nothing but radiant energy ”. BCW Vol. IV, p.221

Mme Blavatsky on motion : “It is that wavy motion which is the cause of the evolution of cosmic undifferentiated matter into the differentiated universe . . . From whence does this motion come ? This motion is the spirit itself.” Lucifer 1890

Read more at : Symmetry Magazine

Levitating Objects With Light


Date: March 2019


A new research, performed in the Caltech’s Division of Engineering and Applied Science, shows that objects of many different shapes and sizes—from micrometers to meters—could be manipulated with a light beam. The key is to create specific nanoscale patterns on an object’s surface. This can be used as a means for propulsion of a new generation of spacecraft which, without needing to carry fuel, could reach very high, even relativistic speeds and possibly travel to other stars.

Mme Blavatsky has elaborated on levitation in her book Isis Unveiled (Vol. I, p. xxiii-xxiv), explaining that : “The starting-point here is the recognized electro-chemical principle that bodies similarly electrified repel each other, while those differently electrified mutually attract . . . The earth is a magnetic body charged with one form of electricity . . . Human bodies, in common with all other forms of matter, are charged with the opposite form of electricity . . . ” And she added in an article from The Theosophist, (Vol. III, N° 6, March 1882, p.163-164) : “Let any man’ body charged (whether consciously or otherwise) with the polarity of the spot which support him, and the similar polarity will shoot his body off in the air like a child’s balloon.”

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The Planet Nine Hypothesis

Space Sciences

Date: March 2019

Source: Physics Today

In 2002 an object orbiting inside the solar system, now known as Sedna, was uncovered (see Physics Today, June 2004, page 23). It has a hugely elongated orbit that takes 10 000 Earth years to complete. Current mapping of all system solar objects/planets/moons could not explained its trajectory. It has been suggested that Sedna’s orbit was likely modified by a passing star early in the history of the solar system. The Planet Nine hypothesis was born. (See Physics Today, April 2016, page 23.) If the observations are trustworthy, it appears that Planet Nine – ten time as massive as the Earth – is probably real. Scientists are confident that within a few years an astronomer somewhere will find a faint, slow-moving point of light in the night sky and triumphantly announce the discovery of another new planet in our solar system.

Read more at : Physics Today

Asteroids, Hydrogen Make Great Recipe for Life on Mars

Space Sciences

Date: March 2019

Source: NASA-JPL

Curiosity Rover, on Mars, has discovered key ingredients that are important for the establishment and sustainability of life as we know it – nitrites (NO2) and nitrates (NO3). Curiosity discovered them in soil and rock samples it took as it traversed the Gale Crater, the site of ancient lakes and groundwater systems on Mars. To understand how fixed nitrogen may have been deposited in the crater, researchers have recreate the early Martian atmosphere here on Earth. The combination of a warm climate with liquid water on the surface and the production of nitrates are key elements which are necessary for life.

Read more at : NASA-JPL

On-Line Encyclopedia on PSI


Date: January 2019

Source: Open Science

The Psi Encyclopedia, edited by Robert McLuhan, is quick becoming the must-have alternative to the skewed and backwards notions so often encountered on Wikipedia. Created by the Society for Psychical Research in London, the site already covers many relevant subjects with articles crafted by top scientists in parapsychology, university professors, and professional authors.

Read more at : Psi Encyclopedia

Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Science


Date: March 2019

Source: Quanta Magazine

AI is having an enormous impact in science. It started to be used in many disciplines to handle enormous quantity of data, like the study of the cosmos where the quantity of data collected are so huge and constantly increasing that their analysis is no more humanly feasible. Today, machine learning and access to cloud computing are the basic tools to handle such complexity. Visual recognition is also widely used, even if it remains a deterministic process, far from our human capabilities : “Human intuitions are often equally impenetrable. You look at a photograph and instantly recognize a cat — “but you don’t know how you know. Your own brain is in some sense a black box.”

Read more at : Quanta Magazine

Human impact on threatened terrestrial vertebrates


Date: March 2019

Source: PLOS | Biology

Endangered & Extinct Species

A global analysis of cumulative human impacts on threatened species on the distribution of 5,457 terrestrial vertebrates show that impacts to species are widespread, occurring across 84% of Earth’s surface. Almost one-quarter of assessed species are impacted across >90% of their distribution, and approximately 7% are impacted across their entire range.

Read more at : PLOS

Mme Blavatsky wrote (The Theosophist, Vol. VII, N° 76, January 1886) : ” Evolution starts to mold future humanities within the lower scales of being. Therefore, by killing an animal, or even an insect, we arrest the progress of an entity towards its final goal in nature – MAN ; and to this the student of occult knowledge may say that it not only retards the evolution of that entity, but arrests that of the next succeeding human and more perfect race to come.”