Supernatural Experiences in Autism

Health and Medicine, Parapsychology

Date : August 2018

Source: Taylor&Francis OnLine

A new study has identified supernatural agency in young adults on the autism spectrum. Sensing invisible presence, seeing visions, hearing voices, are among the reported phenomenons. It is suggested that somatosensory experiences are more prevalent in autistic individuals.

In her “Comments on a Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy“, Mme Blavatsky wrote (The Theosophist Vol. II, January, 1881, pp.72-75) : “The Yogi, says Patanjali, will hear celestial sounds, the songs and conversations of celestial choirs. He will have the perception of their touch in their passage through the air – which translated into a more sober language means that the ascetic is enabled to see with the spiritual eye in the Astral Light, hear with the spiritual ear subjective sounds inaudible to others, and live and feel, so to say, in the Unseen Universe.”

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