Physics, Space Sciences
Date : Nov. 2020
Source : AAAS

In 2014, Chandra Wickramasinghe, from Buckingham Center for Astrobiology, UK, wrote a book – The Search for Our Cosmic Ancestry, following Fred Hoyle’s Theory of Cosmic Panspermia. He statistically demonstrated that life cannot have emerged on earth per chance, as the mainstream materialistic scientist’s world think, but was probably brought by cosmic “travelers” like comets, asteroids,…
In a recent space project – COSIMA (COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser), hosted on the Rosetta spacecraft – discovered phosphorus and fluorine in solid dust particles collected from the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur were already reported in previous studies. Phosphorus is the last one of the CHNOPS-elements necessary for life to emerge.
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