Mass = Energy (mostly) : A Scientific Confirmation


Date : March 2015

Source: Symmetry Magazine

Scientists believe now that almost all of your body’s mass comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons. The mass of the quarks, which comes from their interaction with the Higgs field, accounts for just a few percent of the mass of a proton or neutron. Matter, as a solid concept, is vanishing to the benefit of moving energy. This article shows also the way we are receiving energetic influences from everything around us – all living creatures, our Earth, our Sun, the planets, the moon, . . .

Mme Blavatsky on energy : “The Theosophists, old and modern, the Alchemists and Rosicrucians have ever maintained that there were no such things per se as “light,” “heat,” “sound,” “electricity”. There is nothing but radiant energy ”. BCW Vol. IV, p.221

Mme Blavatsky on motion : “It is that wavy motion which is the cause of the evolution of cosmic undifferentiated matter into the differentiated universe . . . From whence does this motion come ? This motion is the spirit itself.” Lucifer 1890

Read more at : Symmetry Magazine

Levitating Objects With Light


Date: March 2019


A new research, performed in the Caltech’s Division of Engineering and Applied Science, shows that objects of many different shapes and sizes—from micrometers to meters—could be manipulated with a light beam. The key is to create specific nanoscale patterns on an object’s surface. This can be used as a means for propulsion of a new generation of spacecraft which, without needing to carry fuel, could reach very high, even relativistic speeds and possibly travel to other stars.

Mme Blavatsky has elaborated on levitation in her book Isis Unveiled (Vol. I, p. xxiii-xxiv), explaining that : “The starting-point here is the recognized electro-chemical principle that bodies similarly electrified repel each other, while those differently electrified mutually attract . . . The earth is a magnetic body charged with one form of electricity . . . Human bodies, in common with all other forms of matter, are charged with the opposite form of electricity . . . ” And she added in an article from The Theosophist, (Vol. III, N° 6, March 1882, p.163-164) : “Let any man’ body charged (whether consciously or otherwise) with the polarity of the spot which support him, and the similar polarity will shoot his body off in the air like a child’s balloon.”

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The Physics Still Hiding in the Higgs Boson


Date: March 2019

Source: Quanta Magazine

No new particles have been found at the Large Hadron Collider since the Higgs boson in 2012. This article highlights the depth of the unknown for modern Science about the basic building blocks of the Universe : “But physicists understand little about the omnipresent Higgs field, or the fateful moment in the early universe when it suddenly shifted from having zero value everywhere (or in other words, not existing) into its current, uniformly valued state. That shift, or “symmetry-breaking” event, instantly rendered quarks, electrons and many other fundamental particles massive, which led them to form atoms and all the other structures seen in the cosmos. But why? Why should the universe decide to have this Higgs presence all over?”

Read more at: Quanta Magazine

The Origin of the Elements


Date: February 2019

Source: Physics Today

What are the basic constituents of our universe, our world, our body, . . . From where came the building blocks of our “material” world, the elementary particles ? How Science classified them ? This paper recapitulates decades of interdisciplinary research in astronomy, chemistry, and nuclear physics to determinate from where came the elements.

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Quantum Atmospheres’ May Reveal Secrets of Matter


Date: September, 2018

Source: Quanta Magazine

Theosophical literature postulated that physical matter has additional states to the three commonly known (solid, liquid, and gaseous) before Science came to make this discovery. These higher states were generally called “etheric.” According to clairvoyant research by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater published in their book Occult Chemistry, these etheric states are the result of breaking down atoms into the more fundamental particles that compose them. In modern Science, this is the field of research of quantum physics. The article below presents a new scientific theory proposing that the quantum properties of an object extend into an “atmosphere” that surrounds the material. This sounds remarkably similar to the Theosophical idea of the “etheric double,” and some scientists are now trying to develop ways to measure this “quantum atmosphere” in different objects.

Quantum Weirdness Replaced by Classical Fluid Dynamics


Date: March, 2014

Source: Hawai Institute for Unified Physics (HIUP)

A new interpretation of Quantum Physics, in line with Louis de Broglie “pilot wave” theory, and David Bohm causal interpretation, which may give a deterministic approach of quantum physics, using classical fluid dynamics. This is paving the way for a unification of fundamental forces. Even entanglement, this so weird “spooky instantaneous interaction at a distance”, may have a realistic substantiation via wormholes (Maldacena/Susskind –

Modern Science (Theoretical Physics) is based, since the 1920’s, on the Bohr’s interpretation of Quantum Physics which does not provide with an intellectually sustainable paradigm for the representation of Reality. Most physicists use quantum theory as a tool for calculating results and “leave it to the philososhers” to wonder what’s really going on behind the mathematics. This has leaded to the loss of causal interpretation of phenomenon (cause -> effect). Einstein always disagreed wit it : “God does not play dice“. The new interpretation quoted here is in line with Einstein, de Broglie, Schrödinger, Bohm, Bell,…


The Block Universe


Date: July, 2017

Source: Quanta Magazine

The nature of time and its flow remains a mystery from the point of view of modern physics. Many physicists argue that Einstein’s masterpiece, the general theory of relativity, and the Standard Model of particle physics, describe a timeless cosmos, sometimes called a “block universe” — a static block of space-time in which the totality of time already exists. In this view, all points in time equally “real,” which means that the future and past are no less real than the present. The flow of time, or passage of the future into the past, must presumably be a mental construct.

Although this idea remains controversial, it bears a very interesting resemblance with how H. P. Blavatsky explained the nature of time in The Secret Doctrine:

Time is only an illusion produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through eternal duration . . . .  The present is only a mathematical line which divides that part of eternal duration which we call the future, from that part which we call the past. . . .  The real person or thing does not consist solely of what is seen at any particular moment, but is composed of the sum of all its various and changing conditions from its appearance in the material form to its disappearance from the earth. It is these “sum-totals” that exist from eternity in the “future,” and pass by degrees through matter, to exist for eternity in the “past.” No one could say that a bar of metal dropped into the sea came into existence as it left the air, and ceased to exist as it entered the water, and that the bar itself consisted only of that cross-section thereof which at any given moment coincided with the mathematical plane that separates, and, at the same time, joins, the atmosphere and the ocean. Even so of persons and things, which, dropping out of the to-be into the has-been, out of the future into the past — present momentarily to our senses a cross-section, as it were, of their total selves, as they pass through time and space (as matter) on their way from one eternity to another.” (SD I, 37)

Electric Gravity in an Electrical Universe

Space Sciences
Date: August 2008

Ralph Sansbury of MIT’s magnet laboratory proposes an electromagnetic theory of gravity. According to this view, gravity is the result of the aligning of electric dipoles in subatomic particles — protons, neutrons and electrons.

In her writings, H. P. Blavatsky made the startling statement that gravity is not a force of nature.[SD1, p. 490 et seq.] This was supported by her teachers. For example, in 1882 Mahatma K.H. wrote that “there is no gravitation properly speaking; only attraction and repulsion”.[ML93B] According to Blavatsky, the agent behind the phenomenon of attraction and repulsion is Fohat, whose chief manifestation on the physical plane is electricity and magnetism.

The “Electric Universe” Project (now “Thunderbolt” Project) has been advertising for years that all previous scientists like Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Hawking, Penrose, … were ignorant of the reality of Physics, and that everything in the Universe can be explained by electric fields. This approach is very attractive for theosophists, because it has similitude with the Ancient Wisdom teachings, but it fails, up to now, to provide with any mathematical model – except the Birkland Field Theory – which would explain any of the observed physical phenomenon like cosmogenesis, baryogenesis, standard model, etc.
