Parapsychology, Physics, Space Sciences
Source : Electric Universe UK
Date : Jul. 2018
Scientific mind has crystallized his paradigm around mechanistic, reductionist approaches since the end of the XVIth century, and, since the beginning of the XXth century, materialistic-only philosophy is dominant in scientific communities. The last 15 years have witnessed a new movement – panpsychism – which reintroduces consciousness everywhere. Among the proponents of such theory, Rupert Sheldrake is talking about the Earth, the Sun, the galaxies, as self-organizing systems or conscious organisms. He proposed some mechanisms to explain how the Sun can be conscious of what is happening inside the Solar System, using electromagnetic fields which are connecting everything in the Universe. This talk is giving some clues and methods for testing the hypothesis that consciousness express itself through the Sun.
The Theosophist – Volume IV, N° 12, Sept. 1883 : “If the “Adepts” are asked: “What then, in your views, is the nature of our sun and what is there beyond that cosmic veil?.“ – they answer: beyond rotates and beats the heart and head of our system; externally is spread its robe, the nature of which is not matter, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, such as you are acquainted with, but vital electricity, condensed and made visible.”
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