Space Science
Date: October, 2018
Source: Inverse
Article : A Second Moon in the Sky
This happen at a time where light pollution has been identified as threatening the ecosystem. See the recent article from The Scientist
Researches Relevant to Theosophy
Space Science
Date: October, 2018
Source: Inverse
This happen at a time where light pollution has been identified as threatening the ecosystem. See the recent article from The Scientist
Date: February, 2014
Source: Scientific American
Date: September, 2018
Source: The Straits Times Singapore
Singapore has removed ranking of students last September, 2018 for all primary and secondary schools. No more first honor, second honor or being last in the class. The Minister of Education, Ong Ye Kung, addressed 1,700 school leaders: “I know that ‘coming in first or second’, in class or level, has traditionally been a proud recognition of a student’s achievement. But removing these indicators is for a good reason, so that the child understands from young that learning is not a competition, but a self-discipline they need to master for life.”
All theosophical schools do not have ranking or competition among students ever since they were established. Ranking is deemed harmful to students because students tend to think that the way they are measured for their achievement is based on their competitive position or ranking in school. They lose sight of the real purpose of education.
Date: September, 2018
Source: Quanta Magazine
Theosophical literature postulated that physical matter has additional states to the three commonly known (solid, liquid, and gaseous) before Science came to make this discovery. These higher states were generally called “etheric.” According to clairvoyant research by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater published in their book Occult Chemistry, these etheric states are the result of breaking down atoms into the more fundamental particles that compose them. In modern Science, this is the field of research of quantum physics. The article below presents a new scientific theory proposing that the quantum properties of an object extend into an “atmosphere” that surrounds the material. This sounds remarkably similar to the Theosophical idea of the “etheric double,” and some scientists are now trying to develop ways to measure this “quantum atmosphere” in different objects.