Source : NewScientist
Date : Jan. 2020

The weirdness of quantum physics is still puzzling our rational, intellectual mind. Causality is one of the paradigms most difficult to challenge. A cause always preceding an effect seems so obvious that reversing the arrow of time would be more science-fiction than science. But quantum physics has encountered this phenomenon with the notion of quantum superposition which states that an object can be in two different states at the same time. Many experiments have been and are still currently being run to witness this phenomenon. One of the recent ones (Aug. 2019) has extended the range of the scenario up to a massive body in a spatial superposition state (thought experiment), which demonstrate again that : ” a classical notion of a causal structure is untenable in any framework compatible with the basic principles of quantum mechanics and classical general relativity.“
The Secret Doctrine – Volume 1 (3rd edition, p. 68) : “Time” is only an illusion produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through the Eternal Duration, and it does not exist where no consciousness exists in which the illusion can be produced, but “lies asleep”.“
Read more : NewScientist