Physics, Space Sciences
Source : Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Date : 2017

Universal Consciousness became a subject for scientific researches. In 2011, David Chalmer introduced the concept of panexperientialism, derived from panpsychism. Panpsychism is the doctrine where everything in the universe has a mind. For example, fundamental physical types like a quark or a photon are endowed with consciousness in this theory. From this concept, Prof. Gregory Matloff, a physicist specialized in interstellar travel, is proposing to put this theory to test in order to verify – or not – the existence of a universal consciousness. His approach is based on the existence of a Universal Proto-Consciousness field which, through the pressure of the vacuum fluctuations ( Casimir effect ), gives birth to atomic matter. Current astronomical observations reveal that some young stars are abnormally altering their galactic trajectory (Parenago’s Discontinuity). The author of the paper is suggesting that this is the result of a deliberated action from a minded star. Satellite’s observations (Gaia) are in progress to verify the volitional star hypothesis.
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