Physics, Space Sciences
Source : Reader’s Contribution
Date : Jan. 2020

The values of the physical “constants”, like G, the Newtonian gravitational constant, or h, the Plank constant, or c, the speed limit of light, are still shrouded in mystery. Why do they have such a value ? Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji, one of the leading particles physicist, said that ” the universal constants express the inherent limitations of human knowledge.”
One of our reader has published a paper proposing a set of new hypothesis, as a continuation of Dirac’s and Eddington’s Large Number Hypothesis, linking constants and numbers. In that analysis, all the found relations have a common nature of the “power-of-two”. Such correlations provide with accurate calculation/prediction of some constants and measurements.
He wrote some additional comments : “Beside sevenfoldness, the proposed hypothesis has another interesting property that supports the thought of Mme Blavatsky (H.P.B.) on the existence of key-note in Nature which was mentioned by her in The Voice of the Silence – Glossary to Part, III, The seven Portals, 10, p. 89. : she gives Note F as the keynote of Nature. If one calculates exactly 68 octaves up from the Hubble constant given by the article’s expression, then the result is 673.37 Hz which is close to standard note F (698.45 Hz). The same result can be obtained by calculating 60 octaves down from the de Broglie frequency of the electron.”
Read more : pp-33-07, ResearchGate